
Japanese Numbers

1 Ichi
2 Ni
3 San
4 Shi
5 Go
6 Roku
7 Shichi
8 Hachi
9 Ku
10 Ju


Titles and Honorific

Karate-Ka Karate Student
Kohai Junior (not used)
Sempai Senior (never used for oneself)
Sensei Teacher (never used for oneself)
Shihan Master (never used for oneself)



-san Mr, Mrs, Ms
-sama Superior honorific
-chan For children, young women and friends
-kun For young men


Ranking System

Mudansha No Dan title holder
Haopkyu 8th Kyu
Nanakyu 7th Kyu
Rokkyu 6th Kyu
Gokyu 5th Kyu
Yonkyu 4th Kyu
Sankyu 3rd Kyu
Nikyu 2nd Kyu
Ikkyu 1st Kyu
Yudansha Dan Title Holder (Black Belt)
Shodan 1st Dan
Nidan 2nd Dan
Sandan 3rd Dan
Yondan 4th Dan
Godan 5th Dan
Rokudan 6th Dan
Shichidan 7th Dan
Hachidan 8th Dan
Kudan 9th Dan
Judan 10th Dan


Dojo Instructions

Hajime Start
Yame Stop
Yasume Rest
Yoi Get Ready
Hai Yes
Iie No
Kiai Shout
Seiretsu Line Up!
Mawate Switch
Hantai Opposite
Migi Right
Hidari Left
Shomen Front
Ushiro Back


Start-End Salutations

Suki Attention
Rei Bow
Naotte Relax
Seiza Formal seated position
Mokuso Meditation
Mokuso Yame Stop meditation
Shomen Ni Rei Bow to front
Sensei Ni Rei Bow to Sensei
Otaga Ni Rei Bow to each other
Onegaishimasu Please do me the honour
Arigato Gozaimashita Thank you


General Terms

Hikite Pulling Hand
Tsuki Punching
Uchi Striking
Geri Kicking
Uke Blocking


Karate Terms and Concepts

Wa Peace, Harmony
Do The Way
Kai Association
Ryu Style
Karate Empty Hand (Tang Hand)
Dojo Training Hall
Hombu Head Office
Hara Centre
Kime Focus
Maai Distancing
Oss Strong “Yes”
Waza Technique
Taisabaki Hip Shifting
Zanshin Remaining Spirit (Awareness)
Budo Way of War
Bushido Way of the Warrior
Shuhari Maintain, adhere, improve
Go No Sen Defense then Attack
Sen No Sen Block/Counter Simultaneously
Sen Strike Before Attack
Ikken Hissatsu One Deadly Strike
Ki Energy
Kamae Guard Ready Position
Chu Tanden Centre of Lower Abdomen
Jo Tanden Centre of Head
Ge Tanden Centre of Groin
Senchusen Centre Line of Body
Chikara Power
Nage Waza Hip Throw
Ashi Waza Leg Throw
Te Waza Head Throw
Sutemi Dropping Throw
Shime Waza Strangulation
Kansetsu Waza Dislocation
Mae Geri Front Kick
Yoko Geri Side Kick
Ushiro Geri Back Kick
Mawashi Geri Roundhouse Kick
Ushiro Mawashi Geri Reverse Roundhouse
Migazuki Geri Crescent Kick(out to in)
Soto Migazuki Geri Crescent Kick (in to out)
Fumi Komi Stamping Kick
Hiza Geri Knee Strike
Mae Tobi Geri Flying Front Kick
Kesageri/Tobi Sokuto Flying Side Kick
Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Flying Spinning Mawashi
Ushiro Geri Back Kick
Jo/Chu/Ge Dan High/Middle/Low
Keage Snap
Kekomi Thrust
Ido Kihon Moving Basics
Jun Zuki Lunge Punch
Kette Jun Zuki Front Kick Lunge Punch
Gedan Barai Uke Downward Block
Age (Jodan) Uke Rising Block
Jodan Uchi Uke High Uchi Uke
Chudan Uchi Uke Middle Block (out to in)
Jodan Soto Uke High Soto Uke
Chudan Soto Uke Middle Block (in to out)
Gyaku Zuki Reverse Punch
Shuto Uke Knife Hand Block
Oi Zuki Forward Punch
Tate Ken Zuki Vertical Fist Punch